Our story
Our story
The first wooden warehouse in Italy
The first wooden warehouse in Italy


Automatic warehouses tailored to all industrial sectors designed to optimize space, time and costs.


Fully tested systems specifically designed for the seamless integration of spaces, structures, machines, plants and software.


Semi-automatic and automatic carriers compatible with every shelving system for storing any loading unit.


Simple, captivating software for the management of all automatic and semi-automatic warehouses, adapted to different needs.


Since 1979, Automha has acquired considerable expertise based on the principle of a fully automated warehouse.


From the main headquarters in Bergamo, Italy, to the offices in China, India, Canada and Spain.


Always by your side to guarantee the safety and efficiency of Automha systems.


Training courses after the installation of each plant, to explain all the operating functions of their relative systems.


Stay up to date with the latest Automha news.


All the upcoming events and trade fairs around the world involving Automha.


Automha has always been oriented toward innovation and continuous improvement to provide customers automatic warehouses tailored to their needs.


Automha automatic warehouses


Automatic warehouses tailored to all industrial sectors designed to optimize space, time and costs.





Fully tested systems specifically designed for the seamless integration of spaces, structures, machines, plants and software.



Since 1979, Automha has acquired considerable expertise based on the principle of a fully automated warehouse.






From the main headquarters in Bergamo, Italy, to the offices in China, India, Canada and Spain.


Always by your side to guarantee the safety and efficiency of Automha systems.








All the upcoming events and trade fairs around the world involving Automha.





Semi-automatic and automatic carriers compatible with every shelving system for storing any loading unit.





Automha has always been oriented toward innovation and continuous improvement to provide customers automatic warehouses tailored to their needs.






Automha automatic warehouses





Automatic warehouses tailored to all industrial sectors designed to optimize space, time and costs.


Fully tested systems specifically designed for the seamless integration of spaces, structures, machines, plants and software.


Since 1979, Automha has acquired considerable expertise based on the principle of a fully automated warehouse.


From the main headquarters in Bergamo, Italy, to the offices in China, India, Canada and Spain.


Always by your side to guarantee the safety and efficiency of Automha systems.


All the upcoming events and trade fairs around the world involving Automha.


Semi-automatic and automatic carriers compatible with every shelving system for storing any loading unit.


Automha automatic warehouses

Present in more than 40 nations, Automha automatic warehouses have set a new reference standard  thanks to the simultaneous use of mechanical, electrical, mechatronic and IT components.

Thanks to the team of designers and to its products, systems and solutions, Automha transforms obligations into opportunities, planning each intervention according to the specific needs of the client in every storage sector. In fact, for every intralogistic efficiency intervention, Automha provides the right answer, handling goods with precision and speed.

Since 1979, Automha has looked to the future with confidence and determination, contributing significantly to the intralogistics sector, favoring every innovation process through continuous investment in research and development.

Fare l’inventario del magazzino non è un problema con #Automha 😉

Per una buona gestione del magazzino è auspicabile controllare il livello delle scorte e le operazioni di prelievo degli ordini tramite processi gestiti in tempo reale affidabili e precisi.
Tutto ciò è possibile grazie al software #Automha AWMS per la gestione del magazzino ➡️

🇺🇸 Inventorying the warehouse is not a problem with #Automha 😉

For effective warehouse management, it's desirable to monitor stock levels and order picking operations through reliable and precise real-time managed processes.
All this is possible thanks to the #Automha AWMS software for warehouse management ➡️
Hai mai sentito parlare di Revamping?

L’attività di Revamping consiste nell’ammodernamento di vecchi magazzini automatici e nel loro conseguente aggiornamento alle più recenti tecnologie e normative di sicurezza.

Affidati ad #Automha per soddisfare le tue esigenze di ampliamento e trasferimento degli impianti:
📞 +39 035 4526001

🇺🇸 Have you ever heard of Revamping?

Revamping involves the modernization of old automatic warehouses and their subsequent update to the latest technologies and safety regulations.

Trust #Automha to meet your needs for expanding and transferring facilities:
📞 +39 035 4526001
Vuoi incrementare l’efficienza e la capacità di stoccaggio del tuo magazzino?
Scopri come digitalizzare e automatizzare le attività di prelievo e deposito e avere sempre tutto sotto controllo!

Affidati ad #Automha per trovare la migliore soluzione di logistica interna per il tuo magazzino! 👉

🇺🇸 Do you want to increase the efficiency and storage capacity of your warehouse?

Discover how to digitize and automate picking and storage activities and always have everything under control!

Rely on #Automha to find the best solution for the internal logistic of your warehouse! 👉

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Roberta Togni highlighting her key role and motivation in shaping our industry!

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Roberta Togni highlighting her key role and motivation in shaping our industry!

Automha affirms its place in the Top 100 Excellence and Performances at the Sustainability Awards 2023

A new success confirms Automha’s constant commitment to business sustainability.

Automha affirms its place in the Top 100 Excellence and Performances at the Sustainability Awards 2023

A new success confirms Automha’s constant commitment to business sustainability.

The Industry 4.0 Revolution

The Industry 4.0 Revolution


Politica Aziendale


ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
SA 8000
Company Policy


ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
SA 8000